Концепт-арты фильма «Черная Пантера»


Очень много артов по созданию фильма о Черной Пантере.

Концепт-художники начали выкладывать свои арты, которые использовались в процессе создания фильма «Черная Пантера». Среди них мы можем увидеть много интересных вещей.

Например, как мог выглядеть Черная Пантера тех времен, когда им был Т’Чака. Обыгрывался даже каноничный плащ:

This is the approved concept design that I did of the former Black Panther, the king of Wakanda, T’Chaka! What an honor it was to get to do this design! I didn’t get to work on this film beyond this character since I was busy leading Marvel Studios’ Visual Development department on Thor: Ragnarok at the time. But a big thanks to @ryan_meinerding_art who was leading Black Panther at the time & he asked me to help out and do some versions of this character. I was more than happy to oblige. Ryan Coogler, the director, wanted us to try putting some clothing on him so I did a lot of research on African wraps, tunics & pants that can go along with the Black Panther look I was going for. @rodneyimages designed a kind of tunic that the director liked so I incorporated that into the top part of his clothing. I was trying to come up with a design that was still high tech but less so than T’Challa’s Civil War look- thus the visible tactical vest. This was so much fun! #BlackPanther #tchaka #tchalla #wakanda #wakandaforever #king #conceptart #costumedesign #costume #design #digitalart #digitalpainting #그림 #그림스타그램 #illustration #marvel #marvelstudios

A post shared by Andy Park (@andyparkart) on

То, чем вдохновлялся дизайн костюма Т’Чаллы:

This is an unused Panther design I did. It was where I pitched the idea of using bundles of rough thread to represent Killmonger's scarification. @joshnizzi.art incorporated that in the final Killmonger design. He did an incredible job with it! This project for me ended up being mostly art direction as I was also working on character designs for Infinity War along side Black Panther. The great thing about this is I get to hire the best talent to get the job done and we are fortunate to have a great in house team too. It was a joy to have my good friend @adigranov back at Marvel Studios for a bit and it was him who ended up nailing the final look for Panther. #blackpanther #tchalla #wakanda #marvelstudios #marvelcinematicuniverse #conceptart #costumedesign #digitalpainting

A post shared by Ryan Meinerding (@ryan_meinerding_art) on

Также всплыли концепты костюма Киллмонгера:

И концепты протеза Улисса Кло, среди которых есть даже каноничная пушка:

«Черная Пантера» по мотивам комиксов Marvel снята Райаном Куглером.
